Thursday, August 22, 2024


I find it interesting that when I was learning coding around the turn of the millennium, we were trained to avoid GOTO commands, because it contributed to what was referred to as "spaghetti code", where everything is a jumbled mess, with the execution jumping around back and forth through the code. But today, whenever I try to make sense of the code that powers RPG Maker (so I can modify it to do what I want), I'm hampered by "modular coding", where everything is broken up into tiny snippets almost to the point of looking like they do nothing, and the execution is constantly jumping around through thousands of lines of code, and you have to track down an issue like a hunter in the bush, and still can't figure out how the damn code is doing a thing, because there are references everywhere, and you can't make heads or tails of any of it. It's like when you look up a word in a dictionary, and it gives another word you don't know, so you look that word up, and end up going around in circles, without ever actually figuring anything out. I'd rather slurp on a single noodle until I reach the end, than try to match up a single strand from a plate of cut up spaghetti.

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