Monday, February 17, 2025

Dragonfaith (Pacifism 5.0) Earth & Sea

With this release, what I'm calling the second of five acts in the narrative progression of my game has been re-implemented. Earth was pretty much already done, but the sea portion is very elaborate, with multiple scripted scenes (including the most complex one up to this point in the game), as well as the introduction of another playable character. So I'm happy to get it finished, and to get this release out so that the work will be backed up. In order to even things up, since the next act has another big dramatic setpiece, I already started working a little bit on the next section, just like last time. I expect that it should all even out by the next release.

I've also put a little bit of work into adding something I toyed with early on, which involves giving the player a small number of choices throughout the game, in order to guide and prioritize the relationships the protagonist forms with the other playable characters. I want to keep it minor - don't think for a second that this is anything remotely close to a "dating sim" element - because I know what kind of chaos multiple paths can introduce into a project in a short amount of time. (And, it goes without saying, this is an action/adventure RPG, not a dating simulator). So it's not going to majorly affect the course of the narrative, but I like the idea of giving the player just a little bit of power to indulge their preferences for some characters over others, which will ultimately manifest in how the ending plays out. Which gives me the opportunity to explore different outcomes for the story I'm creating, as well as boost replayability a little bit (along with being able to keep the alternate outfits you collect, and use them in subsequent playthroughs). As I said, I'm trying to keep it small, and I don't know yet if it'll actually work out in the end, but it's something I'm working on.

On to the download! I fully intend to be back again in yet another week or so, with the next release. My goal is to finish not just the Pacifism version of my game, but ideally the next form of it after that, before the weather turns nice and I get the urge to step away from my computer and spend more time outdoors. I think I can do it - although it may take longer if I decide to script the ending, while I'm working on all these narrative elements. But maybe by next fall, I'll be ready to get serious about making the combat work. I'm not gonna say the ending is in sight just yet, but a shape is beginning to form on the horizon!

Dragonfaith (Pacifism 5.0) - Earth & Sea
Download (426 MB): Windows

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Dragonfaith (Pacifism 4.0) - The Fertile Valley

Once again, this is another intermediary release. I could have waited until I completed the next big objective, but since these releases also act as a backup (which really saved my skin once when I was working on Ascension, and my project file got corrupted), I want to save my progress periodically. I'm in the process of restoring narrative progression to my game - which means adding in dialogue, dramatic cutscenes, and all the triggers that gate your progress through the game (and also give meaning to your journey through the world). At the end, it should mean an otherwise complete game from start to finish, that just doesn't have any combat elements whatsoever. (One possible exception is that I haven't scripted the ending yet - I feel like that's the thing I should do last, before the game is done; but I might change my mind).

Anyway, speaking in terms of both dramatic and geographic progression, my game can logically be split up into five "acts" (or chapters). This release has completed all the dramatic elements from the first act (and a tiny bit from the second), which is enough to really get the game underway. I'm pausing here to post a release before moving on, because there is some pretty involved choreography in the second and third acts, and I want to save what I have before I dive in to that. I don't know exactly how I'm gonna divide up the rest of the acts in terms of releases yet, but you can expect another two or three releases before the Pacifist version of my game is done.

After that, I'm going to enjoy bringing the monsters back in (I've already laid most of the groundwork), and set up encounter behavior. That will encompass one last unfinished release before I sink my teeth into the numbers (for combat), after which I'll need to do heavy testing for proper balance. Oh, and the skill animations. I keep trying to block that part out of my mind (lol). I'm still not officially recommending you play these versions of my game - you should wait for that ultimate combat-ready release (or, barring that, the one before it, so you can at least see the monsters), but as before, I can't stop you if you just want to take a peek. I decided to keep the open world option available, with all the narrative stuff stripped out (but more NPCs now) - you just have to make a one time choice when you start the game.

That's it! See you, hopefully, in another week or two!

Dragonfaith (Pacifism 4.0) - The Fertile Valley
Download (427 MB): Windows [see sidebar for latest release]

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Dragonfaith 3.0 (Between Solipsism and Pacifism)

This is another intermediary release, before the next big one. I'm sticking with the same numbering convention, because it feels like a natural continuation from the last one. However, I can no longer call these versions "solipsist" anymore, as I've begun (slowly, at first) adding more people into the world. The next subtitle I have picked out is Pacifism, because the idea is to build up a version of the game that's more or less complete, minus the (admittedly significant) inclusion of combat. As of now, it's still largely an open world, but for the next update, I'm going to work on returning the spine of narrative progression to my game. Indeed, many of the changes in this version, while significant, may be only minimally noticeable to the player, as a lot of it is back-end infrastructure that will provide a lot of support as I move forward. Nevertheless, here's what's been added to this latest release:

*The Developer's Studio has returned, and the prologue is back up and running again!
*Warp skills are fully implemented.
*Torchlight has been added to more dungeons.
*I've worked out a lot of the atmospherics and weather effects, which look great. - though many of them are, unfortunately, hidden by triggers I've not implemented yet.
*Although it's still a work in progress, I have a fully functional debug menu. Not designed for player use, but it'll help me enormously (indeed, it already has), as I continue to build and test my game.
*Name change has been implemented.
*Clerks have been hired for the shops (but they don't have anything to sell yet).
*All playable characters are now recruitable (not that it makes any more than a superficial difference in this version of the game).
*The wardrobe manager is fully functional - so you can change your characters' outfits. (Although, again, many of them are as yet inaccessible - at least without the debug menu).
*You can take in a stage show at the lounge (if you can find a ticket) - now with improved choreography!

I think that covers the main highlights. Still very few people, and almost no dialogue - but that'll be the focus of my next update. Back to the grindstone! (It feels great to actually have tangible progress I can show off when I say that now).

Dragonfaith (Pacifism) 3.0
Download (427 MB): Windows [see sidebar for latest release]